WhatsApp has been constantly evolving to meet our messaging needs, and the latest updates have brought some exciting features to the table! But, what’s next? Let’s dive into the upcoming features that will take your WhatsApp experience to the next level!
View Once Text
Imagine sending a text message that disappears after the recipient reads it. This feature will add an extra layer of privacy to your conversations.
Pinned Messages
Pinned messages will allow you to keep important messages at the top of your chats, making it easier to access the information you need quickly.
Call Tab on WhatsApp Desktop
The call tab will enable you to keep track of your recent and missed calls, making it easier to stay connected with your loved ones.
WhatsApp Business Directory
This feature will allow you to find and connect with businesses based on various categories and niches, making it easier to shop, order food, or book appointments.
Screen Lock for WhatsApp Desktop
This feature will add an extra layer of security to your desktop app, requiring you to enter a password to access your chats.
Share Up to 100 Media Files
You’ll be able to share up to 100 media files at once, making it easier to share photos, videos, and documents with your friends and family.
Sending Compression-Free Images
This feature will allow you to send images without compression, resulting in higher-quality images.
Transfer Chats Without Google Drive
You’ll be able to transfer your chats from one phone to another without using Google Drive, making it easier to switch devices.
Auto-Convert Voice Messages to Text
This feature will automatically transcribe voice messages, making it easier to read the content of the message without having to listen to it.
Auto-Share Status on Facebook
You’ll be able to share your WhatsApp status updates on Facebook automatically, keeping your friends and family updated across both platforms.
Short Video Messages
You’ll be able to send short video messages of up to 60 seconds in a private or group chat, making it easier to share moments from your day.
Add Contacts in WhatsApp
You’ll be able to add and edit new contacts straight from the app, making it easier to stay connected with your loved ones.
New Layout
WhatsApp for Android may introduce a new layout for the main screen, featuring a bottom navigation bar with various tabs for Chats, Status, Communities, and Calls.
Create WhatsApp Stickers
You’ll be able to create stickers right from the app, using images from your gallery.
Screen Sharing
You’ll be able to share your phone’s screen with others on a live call, making it easier to explain things over a call.
WhatsApp may bring support for usernames, making it easier for people to tag you in a message and add you to a group without saving your phone number to contacts.
Share High-Quality Videos
You’ll be able to send videos in a much better resolution with minimal compression, resulting in higher-quality videos.
Most of these upcoming features will take your WhatsApp experience to the next level! Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to enjoy a more convenient, secure, and fun messaging experience!