Sebastian Hills

Sebastian Hills is a remarkable problem solver proven for his unwavering dedication to helping businesses achieve success using tools of technology. As the pioneer behind Gavaton Marketing Agency and Villpress, Sebastian plays a pivotal role in setting the direction and product strategies of these esteemed organizations.

Sebastian Hills
Tunde Onakoya

When You Decide to Break a Record: How Chess in Slums Africa is Changing Lives

  Have you ever thought about what it really means to push the limits and break a record? Let’s dive into a story that’s not just about sports or breaking records—it’s about using what you love to make a big impact. And it all revolves around chess, of all things! Tunde Onakoya, the brain behind …

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Lacoste brand Villpress

Lacoste Journey: There is always a new way to grow your business

  Have you ever wondered how a brand known for sports apparel becomes a fashion icon? Let’s look into the story of Lacoste, a brand that started on the tennis courts and evolved into a symbol of stylish, everyday wear. Back in 1933, René Lacoste, a champion tennis player, teamed up with Andre Gillier to …

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What to do when your sales team is struggling to meet sales deadlines - Villpress, Villpress Publication.

What to do when your sales team is struggling to meet sales deadlines?

What to do when your sales team is struggling to meet sales deadlines? There are a lot of true life stories we can learn from, Let us use the Apple story as a case study in this regard. Leading up to the launch of the Macintosh, Apple faced significant pressure. The Apple III had underperformed, …

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Cracking the Code of Social Media Growth: A Discovery with Frazer Brookes

Cracking the Code of Social Media Growth: A Discovery with Frazer Brookes

I recently had one of those “aha” moments when I came across @frazerbrookesonline’s content. Let me tell you, every time I dive into his posts, reels, and stories, there’s a whole new insight waiting for me to uncover. I’m casually scrolling through Instagram, you know, just enjoying some downtime. And bam! Right in front of …

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Understanding Instagram Success

Understanding Instagram Success: The Reciprocal Relationship

It is no longer a doubt, Instagram has emerged as a dominant platform for individuals, businesses, and influencers alike. With millions of active users daily, it offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and exposure. However, achieving success on Instagram requires more than just creating eye-catching content and using clever hashtags. To truly win on Instagram, you …

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Understanding Your Business Trade System

Understanding Your Business Trade System: The Calling and the System Itself

Success hinges upon a deep understanding of your trade system. It goes beyond merely knowing the ins and outs of your products or services. Instead, it involves delving into the dos and don’ts, conducting thorough research, receiving proper training, and truly grasping the essence of the business you are engaged in. This article will explore …

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Standing Strong in Your Post

Standing Strong in Your Post: Navigating the Path of Entrepreneurship

Starting a business is an exhilarating journey filled with dreams, aspirations, and a vision for success. As an entrepreneur, you put your heart and soul into building something meaningful, whether it’s a product, service, or an entire company. However, the path of entrepreneurship is not always smooth. It comes with ups and downs, challenges, and …

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Why Competition Kills Business Earlier Than the Main Killer of Business photo

Why Competition Kills Business Earlier Than the Main Killer of Business

In the business world, competition and the pressure to succeed are often seen as the primary factors that can make or break a business. While it’s true that competition can be fierce and challenging, there’s another hidden factor that can kill a business even before competition can take its toll. This article will explore why …

Why Competition Kills Business Earlier Than the Main Killer of Business Read More »